Monday, July 11, 2011

Decorating with nature! The "Eco-Theme"

Going with an eco-themed wedding can mean bringing the outside in. Couples are using things like branches, greenery, stones, seashells or leaves as wedding décor today. These options are economical and simple. Couples are using their creativity to make the most out of what they can find outdoors. And when done right, using nature as a decorating palette can exude an easy elegance like no other. An eco-themed event always puts guests first, making the atmosphere warm, inviting and comfortable. Choose decorations that evoke these feelings. Flowers in rustic twig or woven baskets can be wildflowers, daisies, small sunflowers or any flower that the bride loves. Bridesmaids and flower girls can carry baskets as well, or simply carry small bouquets tied with big bows of printed or solid fabric. Traditional wedding centerpieces often revolve around floral arrangements, though the modern era welcomes inventive and contemporary styles for just about anything. Unleash your creativity and open your mind to new and memorable ideas for unique wedding centerpieces. Some of the most elegant, unusual and unforgettable decorative touches can exist even within a strict budget.

Americaters Team Ideas.

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